Recoverable Materials

Buying and Selling

We buy and sell all types of recoverable materials, mainly cardboard and plastic.
Our suppliers are:

  1. Other waste managers We buy shipments of plastic and cardboard. If you are interested in knowing our prices, please do not hesitate to contact with our commercial Department.
  2. Companies that generate this type of waste There are many and varied sectors that generate this kind of waste: distributors of food and drinks, foundations of social reintegration, logistic centers, etc… in short, small and medium-sized companies that generate cardboard and plastic and come to our facilities to sell the material.
  3. Private individuals We buy cardboard and plastic from individuals.

Once they are classified and conditioned, we sell materials to:

    • Catalunya
    • Spain
    • Europe
    • Asia


In an increasingly globalized world, the recovery of waste sector (and Recuperaciones Font in particular) has expanded bounderies.

For this reason, we buy materials in different areas, mainly within Europe, and sell them all over the world (especially in the area of Europe and Asia).